artichoke is a free-lance business platform: all in one place, on any computer, anywhere you work.a web page for online reservations, automatic alerts, one-touch transfers, searchable progress notices and quick strategies for getting care of the numbers for freelancers today.
Try nowLet's get you started with Cabinpanda and Artichoke integration. You will be able to send your submission data from CabinPanda to Artichoke.
Artichoke is a business platform for freelancers: everything in one place, on any device, wherever you work. A web page for booking online, automated reminders, one-touch payments, searchable progress notes, and simple solutions to take control of the numbers for today’s freelancers.
CabinPanda account
Zapier account (It's Free)
Artichoke account
We will walk you through the steps of integrating with CabinPanda.
Sign up and create your CabinPanda account. It’s very easy. Once you have created your account, you are ready to integrate with pretty much anything.
Here, you can see all the app categories that CabinPanda can integrate with. If you want, you can search for the specific app that you are looking to integrate with, or browse through the featured apps.
Select the Artichoke app and click connect for integration. This will enable integration through Zapier.
Whether you're running a barber shop, you're an IT specialist who wants to go to corporate offices, or teach private classes, live either service-based business or die on time.You'll need to arrange time with each of your patients, make sure you've got enough flexibility between appointments to get there if necessary, and ensure no difference between two appointments.You would also need a way to pay for sales, and a notebook to keep track of the specifics of each of your clients.Artichoke is an app that helps you to handle all of this in one package. This maintains your calendar, customer data, and even financial records in one place, and you can focus on your customersâĢĶand let the system run itself.
Triggers when receive subscription
6 Zapier actions
Try CabinPanda and experiment with its user-friendly, easy to use, easy to publish online forms that have lots of uses
Get started